Bar Chart References

  • 1993 IFR data (by subscription only): Used the IFR statistics wizard (need to be logged in with user name and password) to find the number of robots delivered in North America for each of the four categories. The raw numbers: 2790 welding, 1300 material handling, 448 dispensing/coating, 708 other. So this totals to 5246 units sold. The raw percentages: 53.2, 24.7, 8.5, 13.5.
  • 2003 RIA data (by subscription only): The Robotics Market Year 2003, Results and Trends, February 13, 2004. Data taken from the pie chart called “Shipments” for 2003 on pg. 4. Material removal and small item assembly are lumped with the “other” category. The RIA lists “other” at 2%, but the 8% is due aggregation with material removal and small item assembly.
  • 2013 RIA data (by subscription only): The North American Robotics Market, Year 2012 Results, February 4, 2013. Data taken from the pie chart called “New orders” for 2012 on pg. 5 to extrapolate to the next year (2013), since 2013 data wasn't yet available when the graphic was created. This is a pretty safe assumption, given the gradual growth of the industrial robotics industry. The same aggregation for the “other” category was used as with the 2003 data.