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ROS-Industrial Training July 2020 (Live Online)

This ROS-Industrial training will be hosted by (an Education Project partner of Fraunhofer IPA in the EU project ROSIN).

Learn how to program smart agile robots with the Robot Operating System (ROS).

Scheduled topics:

Day 1: Introduction to Linux Day 2-4: ROS1 basic training (introduction, manipulation, navigation) Day 5: Advanced ROS1 topics (statemachine-based programming tools; build, test, release workflow and tools)

More details about the curriculum can be found on the website.

The instructor of this workshop has received training under the ROSIN project, funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement No. 732287.

Live Online

Group sizes are kept small so there are ample opportunities for questions and discussions.

You will be provided with a ROS Virtual Machine (VM) ahead of the training that will be used for the hands on workshops.

Participants will have the opportunity to teleoperate physical hardware directly from their VMs over Wireguard VPN. This includes both industrial manipulators (robot arms) and mobile robots.

"I thought it worked excellently, in some ways remoting into a robot over vpn is cooler than operating one onsite." – Live Online participant


Book before 21 June 2020 and get 10% off with EARLYBIRD10 promo code.

Tickets are available on a first come first served basis. Purchase through Eventbrite or PO / invoice up to 2 weeks before the training.

For last minute bookings please email us directly

Alternative payment

If you would prefer to raise a PO and be invoiced for the training please email us


Live online participants:

“Very thorough course that covers the fundamentals well, while allowing sufficient time for exploring student specific use cases and advanced topics.” – Jacob Harris, Autodesk

"We were due to attend the face-to-face training in London but this was scuppered by COVID19. The online training was presented as a substitute and it worked well. Gary was a helpful and engaging presenter, never frustrated by my basic questions. The training presented a very thorough introduction to ROS." – Alexei Winter, AMRC (UoS)

See more testimonials on our website.


Live Online