ROS-I Focused Technical Projects
/Focused Technical Projects enable full members of the ROS-Industrial Consortium to stretch their manufacturing engineering dollars through collaborative research and development. Through FTPs, members can pool resources to solve common problems, thereby, developing more general-purpose solutions at lower cost. And because these topics are driven by members' needs, ROS-I will continue to grow and adapt to solve an ever-broader set of real-world challenges.
SwRI has successfully secured internal funding to participate in at least two Focused Technical Projects as an equal contributor. SwRI will apply this funding to the first projects that achieve critical mass. Current topics include demonstration projects for proceses such as weld grinding, deburring, and mobile manipulation for large workpieces (see illustration). New FTP topics can be submitted at any time.
Current Consortium Focused Technical Projects
To learn more about a particular potential project, including detailed scope and cost, please contact Paul Hvass.