RIC-Europe Annual Meeting - 2015

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We are happy to announce the detailed agenda for the ROS-Industrial Consortium Europe Annual Meeting 2015, which will take place right before RoboBusiness Europe on April 28th in Milan, Italy. Please note that the consortium dinner (included with your registration) will follow in the evening, so that you will have the chance to further network with peer members before attending RoboBusiness the day after.

Time : 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM CET on Tuesday April 28th, 2015

Place: Atahotel Expo Fiera, Via Keplero 12 20016 Pero Milan, Italy


  • 1400 Welcome and EU/Americas Consortia Updates, EU Projects overview
  • 1445 Members' activities and introduction of new members
  • 1545 Break
  • 1600 Invited presentations
    • IT+Robotics Srl - cROS: how ROS meets industrial needs
    • Magazino GmbH - a microWarehouse running on ROS
  • 1700 Strategic and Focused Technical Projects & other initiatives
    • TU Delft - CAD to ROS conversion
    • TU Delft - Generic IO
    • Robert Bosch GmbH - Real-time, bare-metal implementations of ROS
  • 1930 Dinner

Registration: registration link

How many people can we send?

  • Full Members - 3
  • Associate Members - 2
  • Research Members - 1
  • Additional Members - 150 EUR each

Not a member? Join Now

We look forward to seeing you in Milan!