ROS Bootcamp 2020 - a learning initiative in collaboration with Singapore Polytechnic
/This year’s edition of the ROS Bootcamp was held from the 16th to 20th March, in collaboration with Singapore Polytechnic. The bootcamp stretched over a 5-day intensive hands-on experience on topics such as perception and autonomous navigation with the turtlebot3.
Timelapse of the students coming to class!
The students were first introduced to the basics of linux commands and writing a ROS subscriber and publisher. Students were then tasked to write up their own scripts to incorporate the use of open-sourced ROS packages such as AR Tracking & the ROS Navigation Stack. They had also learnt the importance of testing their work in simulation, using powerful tools on ROS such as RViz & Gazebo, before trying the actual hardware.
On the last day of the bootcamp, a mini navigation competition took place to see who’s turtlebot would be able to navigate through a maze autonomously using what they have learnt.
A successful run of the student’s work!
The ROS-Industrial team is happy to see a handful of very enthusiastic and strong-willed future engineers growing interest more in the development of robotic applications! We look forward to next year’s edition!