We are happy to announce the first World ROS-I Day! This event will be on July 11th in the three primary regions around the world! Starting in Asia-Pacific, moving through the EU, and then over to the Americas. We aim to work against a list of items that will be communicated ahead and up to and through the event.
If you would like to host a meet up, please participate in the dialog over at ROS Discourse World ROS-I Day thread!
Meet up sites will be communicated in the three regions, starting with initially meet ups in:
Singapore: hosted by ARTC, 3 CleanTech Loop, #01/01, CleanTech Two, Singapore 637143
Stuttgart: hosted by Fraunhofer IPA (want to participate on-site in Stuttgart? write us )
San Antonio, TX, US: hosted by Southwest Research Institute at LiftOff; 2014 S. Hackberry St,San Antonio, Texas 78210 https://liftoff.liftfund.com/
Local Hours: 8 AM till 5 PM
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/world-ros-i-day-tickets-47831251561
Mountain View, CA: hosted by Open Robotics 170 S. Whisman Rd. Building D, Suite A, Mountain View, CA 64041 Inquire: info@openrobotics.org
Live streaming that can be handed off as sites come on and leave will be hosted at: https://appear.in/world-ros-i-day
With chat services at IRC: https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=wrid18
We look forward to an eventful day of addressing issues. Feel free to engage over at ROS Discourse for ideas/issues that should be up for consideration!