January Community Meeting Highlights

From the meeting host, Ulrich Reiser:

Thank you for participating in today's ROS-Industrial Community Meeting. We had more than 100 people in attendance representing both industry and academia! For those who couldn't make the live event, it is now available on YouTube (below). We are grateful to our presenters:

  • Welcome and update on RIC-Americas and EU | Paul Hvass (SwRI), Ulrich Reiser (Fraunhofer IPA)
  • Modelling of Realtime Communication Patterns | Arne Hamann (Bosch)
  • Descartes Path Planner with Application to Robotic Routing | Shaun Edwards (SwRI)
  • Amazon Picking Challenge | Dejan Pangercic (Bosch)
  • Why DDS for ROS 2.0? | Dirk Thomas (OSRF)
  • MoveIt! New Functionality and Status Update | Sachin Chitta (SRI)

Join us for our next Community Meeting, likely in May around ICRA!