Detailed Schedule for the ROS-I Consortium Americas Meeting Released

For full details visit the event page.

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Thursday, March 3 (Public):

Time Description Host/Presentor
1220 Shuttle Pickup at Hyatt Regency Hill Country
1230-1300 Registration
1300-1315 Welcome – Intro to SwRI Paul Hvass
1315-1345 Lab Tour: Space Science Space Science Staff
1345-1415 Lab Tour: Unmanned Systems Chris Mentzer
1415-1445 Lab Tour: HAT and Coating Removal Laser Lab Clay Flannigan, Mike Rigney
1445-1600 Lab Tour: Robotics and Automation, Simulation... Clay Flannigan, Susan Porter
1600-1630 Keynote: Design of Five Story Laser Depainting... Jeremy Zoss
1630-1700 Consortium Overview and Wrap up Paul Hvass
1715 Shuttles Depart for Dinner: Boiler House

Friday, March 4 (Members Only):

Time Description Host/Presenter
0800 Shuttle Pickup at Hyatt Regency Hill Country
0800-0830 Registration, Light Breakfast
0830-0845 Welcome and Introductions Paul Hvass
0845-0920 RIC-Americas Highlights and Upcoming Events Paul Hvass, Shaun Edwards
0920-0940 RIC-Europe: Rapid Growth Mirko Bordignon
0940-1000 Is it Time for RIC-Asia? Nicholas Yeo Chang Yee
1000-1030 Break
1030-1130 RIC Strategy Round Tables – NNMI, App Store... Moderator - Paul Hvass
1130-1200 ROS 2.0 Real Time Capabilities, Q+A Morgan Quigley
1200-1230 Lunch
1230-1300 Lunch Keynote: PlusOne Robotics Erik Nieves
1300-1400 Focused Technical Projects Paul Hvass
1400-1415 Break
1415-1515 ROS-I Technical Roadmapping Round Tables Clay Flannigan
1515-1530 Action Items/Wrap up Paul Hvass
1530 Shuttles Direct to Airport and Hotel