ROS-Industrial Training hosted by Americas Member Glidewell Laboratories

SwRI ROS-I trainers, Levi Armstrong & Jorge Nicho, went on the road for a Glidewell Laboratories hosted session of ROS-Industrial training at Irvine, California offices during the days of February 12th to 14th. This training featured basic and advanced tracks where the basic teaches the fundamentals of ROS and builds up to a motion planning application with a robotic arm.

The advanced track focuses on making use of the powerful tools in the Point Cloud Library in order to build advanced perception applications whose result can then be used to command robot arms to act based on the sensed information.

We would like to thank all those that came out to the training and of course, our hosts Glidewell Laboratories, not just for the space, but for also the use of their lab equipment, which included some different configurations than what have been commonly used for lab exerices.


Keep an eye out on the events listing for the next ROS-I training slated for summer 2020. We look forward to offering new content, with focus on ROS2 in the coming months!